Clan UMTS:  a beautiful way of life.



Home.  It's a word that conjures up memories of sights, sounds and even smells.  Seeing your mother, bent over, reaching for a bottle of Grand Marnier, her huge ass stuck up in the air like two gelatinous prize-winning watermellons beneath a flannel nightgown.  The quick, flat thwack of your father slapping the shit out of your little sister because she said the s-word in front of Daddy's mistress.  The smell of your dog, Pampers, as he defecated on your shoes.  All these years later, when you think of home, these are the things that come, unbidden, to mind.  It's no wonder you're so fucked up.

Where the railgun is
It's like a car wreck.  You want to look away, but you can't
"Take my advice, or I'll spank you without pants."
Because the bus to NoHo doesn't come for another 45 minutes.
 I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.
Look at all the chunks!
Ooo, something shiny!
Send us some Rush tickets or something.
Our favorite Quake II server is alot like our families.  Warm, loving, dangerous, with a whopping serving of disfunctionality thrown in for good measure.  Yoda's Barn is all those things and more. Connect late at night, and you're likely to witness a conversation between the children, obsessed with acquaintences of theirs who are "gay", or "fags", or who play Quake like "girls".  At the same time, their well-meaning elders are attempting to enlighten them regarding their misconceptions by railing them out of existence.   

Visit the Barn's message board around the dinner hour and you might witness Dark Priest, the Barn's administrator and authoritarian father figure, actually threatening to physically beat Barclay into a pastey dough if he doesn't use the message board according to DP's rules.  We may whisper to each other later in our rooms that we "hate" him, but deep down inside, we know that he's the only father we've got...that if we piss him off too much, he just might kick us out of his house.  It's times like this when we miss our own fathers, and each man's particular brand of tough love.  And just as we now feel affection for our fathers, perhaps someday we will know that DP only made those threats because he cares about us, and not just because he's obsessed with important Quake players liking him. 

And, late at night, when we're in our beds thinking black thoughts, we wonder whether DP will ever find for us the mommy we never had.  We silently plead with him to stop working so hard, and start smelling the roses.  If that would only happen, we tell ourselves, then maybe...just maybe...he'd stop threatening to beat us to a pulp whenever we clog the toilet. 

Remember, DP, it's all in good clean fun.  We lowly, unimportant players love your server.



 Pretty, isn't it.
Get Netscape, dammit. This site looks best when you use Netscape Navigator 4.0 or better, at 800x600.  If you don't have Netscape, close your eyes and think to yourself, "I'm a loser."  And for Christ's sweet sake, go get a video card that doesn't suck.  Jeez, I bought one for $25 and it gives me 1152x864. UMass Transit Service has nothing officially to do with this web site.  However, many of the viewpoints that will eventually be expressed herein will probably create active ulcers for our bosses.  I cry a salty tear. This site was created by [UMTS]Chzdanish.  Three cheers for mediocrity!